Collation — Another update for Case Insensitive collations.

Usually simple queries on a database using Case insensitive collation runs without any issues. In case insensitive collation

select * from LISTS

is same as

select * from lists

but I faced a problem while executing the query on DB with collation “Turkish_CI_AS“. The table name was PERIOD ( all upper case). The query worked fine when the statement was as given below.


but when I changed the case as

SELECT * FROM period

the query failed with an error “Invalid object name ‘period’.” . When I further investigated, I found that the letter “i” has a different ASCII value in Turkish collation compared to the collation used by windows( i = 105 in latin and i =253 in turkish). Hence it was not able to find any table by name “period”.

any addition to this posts will be greatly appreciated.

Hope this might be of some help to you. :)

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